
Jun 22, 2024

I'm the England Manager

Golden Rules

  1. Only pick players that are fully fit
  2. Only pick players to play in a position they are familiar with - no shoe horning players into the team playing in an unfamiliar role
  3. A great team is not necessarily made up of the best 11 individuals -- enabling players, water carriers, etc are required, players with a small ego that don't need to be the star man
  4. Develop a system and use it throughout the qualifying games - keep it simple (there's not enough time with the players to implement anything too complex), and base it on what the players are already doing with their club. If a player is injured bring in the next best player to carry out that role, don't try to amend the system.
  5. Encourage the players to play with freedom, don't overload them with tactical details. Encourage them to be adaptable, trust their skills

Election Manifesto 2024

Increase Road Tax for larger vehicles above inflation annually for term of parliament

Impose tax on vapes (if not already)

Scrap the discount applied to "Right to Buy", so council tenants must pay a fair market rate and allow councils to borrow (at government rates) to fund building of new council housing.

Something has to be done about the impending crisis in care system due to ratio of workers to non-workers (tax payers). Review cap on personal spending on care - the state should not subsidise inheritance.

Get strict with nationalised industries, in particular water and rail - take back into public ownership if the private firms go bust. Investigate a new public-private arrangement where the private firms are paid a "delivery" fee, while the state retains responsibility for infrastructure investment.

Productivity among workers is low because hard work no longer appears to be rewarded. The excessive pay awards to executives, especially those in low risk industries such as water, and the rise of tech fortunes has led workers to believe it's not worth putting in the extra effort that was notable in the 1990s.

Raise duty on petrol (but not diesel - to avoid rising cost of deliveries) with inflation to invest more in the switch to electric and hydrogen vehicles. 

Impose the Social Tariff on electricity (and gas?) --- regulator to limit Standing Charges and these charges to include a basic amount of energy (something like 5KWh per house) at cost. Allow energy suppliers to charge whatever they wish for the extra consumption.

Improve our energy independence position.

Clamp down on Zero Hours contracts and other exploitative employment practices.

Regulate appointments to the House of Lords

Reinstate the previous level of overseas development funding -- promote this as a means to reduce immigration by improving conditions in the home countries. Try to avoid getting embroiled in solving other countries problems, unless absolutely necessary (and then go full in)

Expand ocean protection zones, fund a protection force, develop skills through links to the Navy. Act as a trained reserve force. Investigate doing something similar for Army.

Reduce spending on vanity projects such as aircraft carriers, redirect to a more flexible armed force that could be useful in a conflict with Russia.

Everyone agrees that it's important to grow the economy. It's quite superfluece to say so. The question is how?

1. Investigate rejoining the EU common market

2. Support Labour's green energy company proposal

3. Reduce employers NI (and any other financial obstacles toward employing people)

4. What would a low consumption economy look like? Economic activity is a product of confidence (more than anything else). When people are confident they spend and money moves through the market. But we cannot keep growing our economy by consuming more raw materials.